We have had a research paper “Repeatable and deterministic all electrical switching in a mixed phase artificial multiferroic” by W. Griggs, and T. Thomson, published in Nature Scientific Reports. You can view the paper online here.

Abstract: We demonstrate a repeatable all-electric magnetic switching behaviour in a PMN-PT/FeRh thin film artificial multiferroic. The magnitude of the effect is significantly smaller than expected from conventional thermomagnetic switching of FeRh thin films and we explore properties of the PMN-PT/FeRh system in order to understand the origin of this reduction. The data demonstrate the importance of the crystallographic phase of PMN-PT and show how a phase transition at ~ 100 °C modifies the magneto-electric coupling. We demonstrate a large strain remanence effect in the PMN-PT substrate, which limits the magnetoelectric coupling on successive cycling of the applied electric field..